Run, Row or Erg on the Riverfront

Hartford, CT

Campaign Information


Top Individuals

juliavide $1,280.00
Terri Granger $950.00
Beth Weber $890.00
bmoses $770.00
Gretchen $645.00
Brian Wendry $600.00
Kyle Moore $475.00
Chabot $450.00
Beth.spear $440.00
Minne Meg $355.00

Top Teams


Riverfront rowing is one of the best recreation values imaginable: the challenging sport, the beautiful river, the wonderful people involved make it so.

But beyond that, what an honor it is to be part of a community rowing program with a diverse group of participants from different backgrounds. There are close to 300 youth involved, and people from a number of towns. 

I'm proud to report that I am not nearly the oldest rower around. 

Thanks for helping out!


My Contributors

John Moses $50.00
bill moses $50.00
Kara and Dan Hopkins $75.00
Glenn Poker $50.00
Kathy and Chris Clayton $50.00
Patrick and Christine Curry $60.00
Ann Marie Colebrook $25.00
G&Z Moses $50.00
peter irwin $200.00
Sue moses $60.00
Kathleen Grady $50.00
David deMercado $50.00
Trust Guard Security Scanned